65 Reese Witherspoon Quotes On Success In Life

These Reese Witherspoon quotes will inspire you. Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon is an American actress, producer, and entrepreneur.

Below you will find a collection of motivating, happy, and encouraging Reese Witherspoon quotes, Reese Witherspoon sayings, and Reese Witherspoon proverbs.

Best Reese Witherspoon Quotes

  1. “We’re more than just our dresses.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  2. “I believe ambition is not a dirty word. It’s just believing in yourself and your abilities. Imagine this: What would happen if we were all brave enough to be a little bit more ambitious? I think the world would change.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  3. “I take the kids to church and Sunday school. They love it. I really think it’s important for a child to feel that there are things that are bigger than your life out there.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  4. “Every day you have to choose and cultivate your own happiness.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

  5. “It’s important to do things that scare you to death!” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  6. “There’s no bad consequence to loving fully, comma with all your heart. You always gain by giving love.” ~ Reese Witherspoon , Reese Witherspoon quotes about love
  7. “Never miss an opportunity to just shut up.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  8. “Doing begets more doing. It sounds simple, but I’m a firm believer that action can solve so many worries, and just powering through, no matter what can give you the confidence you need when you feel like you’ve got nothing to offer.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  9. “Confidence is everything in this business.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

  10. “I’m trying to make it cool to be a good girl.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  11. “One honest voice is louder than a crowd.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  12. “As an artist, I feel more strongly than ever that my job on earth is to tell the stories of the Invisibles, and women have been invisible on film for a long time.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  13. “If you’re not yelling at your kids, you’re not spending enough time with them.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

  14. “Your body is just a vessel for who you are as a person. And until you work on what you give back to the world, it doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  15. “But with the right kind of coaching and determination you can accomplish anything and the biggest accomplishment that I feel I got from the film was overcoming that fear.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  16. “Many people worry so much about managing their careers, but rarely spend half that much energy managing their LIVES. I want to make my life, not just my job, the best it can be. The rest will work itself out.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  17. “I’m just trying to matter and live a good life and make work that means something to somebody.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

  18. “I thought I knew everything about love and relationships in my 20s, the ignorance of youth is bliss. As you get older, you start to realize that you don’t really know anything and life is a great traveling journey. Life is unexpected…you just never know what’s going to happen.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  19. “Lord knows, every day is not a success, every year is not a success. You have to celebrate the good.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  20. “You can learn a lot about yourself with what you’re doing and who you’re with on a Sunday.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  21. “Everybody needs love. Everyone deserves it.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

  22. “I don’t think these women are stupid. I think they’re selling a personality that’s very marketable: Wouldn’t it be fun if we were all gorgeous and didn’t have a care? But creating a cultural icon out of someone who goes, I’m stupid, isn’t it cute? makes me want to throw daggers at them! I want to say to them, My grandma did not fight for what she fought for, and my mother did not fight for what she fought for, so you can start telling women it’s fun to be stupid. Saying that to young women, little girls, my daughter? It’s not OK.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  23. “I’m definitely happy with the way my career has gone, the success; but I even feel glad that I’ve experienced some failure in my life. That gives you perspective and humility about this business; it’s good to realize that you’re always just one movie away from not being in Vogue anymore.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  24. “One hundred percent my mother, who would always say, “If you want something done, do it yourself.” She must have said that 100 times to me – as a child, as a young woman, yesterday on the phone.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  25. “If something seems frightening or horrible, I should probably do it.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

  26. “It was definitely a scary situation and I was frightened for my husband, but that is no excuse. I was disrespectful to the officer who was just doing his job. I have nothing but respect for the police and I’m very sorry for my behavior.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  27. “I don’t believe in perfection. I don’t think there is such a thing. But the energy of wanting things to be great is a perfectionist energy.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  28. “My sheets are monogrammed, so is my silverware and pretty much everything else I own. My rule is, if it’s not moving — monogram it!” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  29. “Kids are the best part of my day. I don’t wake up to make movies. I wake up to hang out with my family.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

  30. “I have a history, a long history of being stereotyped as a five-foot-two woman, which is very limiting. I’ve worked so hard to create characters that have dignity. And I think everybody knows that I have a very pro-woman message in my work – and in my life.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  31. “It’s funny that it all becomes about clothes. It’s bizarre. You work your butt off and then you win an award and it’s all about your dress. You can’t get away from it.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  32. “I have a good memory for certain things. And a very short memory for painful things – that’s my favorite Martha Stewart quote, by the way.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  33. “Turning 30 was really big for me. I can get really stuck on ‘I don’t like this or that about myself.’ I’ve found that the only thing that breaks that for me is being able to spend time alone, going to the movies by myself or going to art museums alone. I do that a lot. I’ve discovered the importance of even 15 or 30 minutes a day where it is just me.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  34. “The more respect I had for myself, and the more I took care of myself, the more I understood what I needed out of a partner.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

  35. “Whether it was making my bed or making a movie, my mother and father never hesitated to say how proud they were of me, and that means so very much to a child.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  36. “I think movies are great and I have a great time making them but they’re not what keeps you warm at night, or what’s ultimately the most important thing in anyone’s life journey.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  37. “I don’t know what I would have done so many times in my life if I hadn’t had my girlfriends.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  38. “Obviously, this isn’t the time in my life that I would have chosen to do this, but I feel like life gives you these challenges for a reason. I feel so happy and glad to be in the place that I am. I really feel blessed. This is something I need to face and take control of.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  39. “I’m lucky to find a person to share my life, and the best friend I’ll ever have.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

  40. “I want to make my life, not just my job, the best it can be. The rest will work itself out.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  41. “When you finally accept that you’re a complete dork, your life gets easier. No sense in trying to be cool.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  42. “I love to cook comfort food. I’ll make fish and vegetables or meat and vegetables and potatoes or rice. The ritual of it is fun for me, and the creativity of it.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  43. “I clearly had one drink too many and I am deeply embarrassed about the things I said.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

  44. “I had someone correct my grammar once on a blind date, and within the first 10 minutes, the date was over. You just don’t correct somebody’s grammar. That’s just not okay. I’m from Tennessee, so I probably say everything wrong. I might have said ain’t, or something like that.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  45. “I have achieved a certain amount of success, and I felt a responsibility to my daughter and to women in this world to create more opportunities for women.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  46. “There’s something timeless and important about making people laugh, about being the right spot in their day.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  47. “I get crazy in a bookstore. It makes my heart beat hard because I want to buy everything.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

  48. “My husband is my biggest supporter on earth. He encourages me to put myself out in the world in ways that feel scary, and he’s like, “I’m always gonna catch you. I’m always gonna be there for you.” My supportive mother and family. Honey, it’s such a village.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  49. “I always say that it’s very important not to blame one person. You have to own whatever part of it you’re responsible for. It takes a lot of soul-searching. It’s important to go through that because hopefully, you won’t repeat yourself.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  50. “I played a lawyer in a movie so many times I think I am a lawyer. And clearly, I’m not a lawyer, because I got arrested.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  51. “It’s fun chasing boys, especially when you’re young, but I think it takes time and life experience to notice the other boys.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

  52. “There are things in my life that are hard to reconcile, like divorce. Sometimes it is very difficult to make sense of how it could possibly happen. Laying blame is so easy. I don’t have time for hate or negativity in my life. There’s no room for it.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  53. “I like Yoga. I run. I go hiking. I’m very active. I like being outside.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  54. “Never drink to feel better, only drink to feel even better.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  55. “I feel very blessed to have two wonderful, healthy children who keep me completely grounded, sane and throw up on my shoes just before I go to an awards show just so I know to keep it real.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  56. “To be courageous, you have to have an army of people holding you.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

  57. “But like Elle Woods, I do not like to be underestimated.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  58. “I’m just chatty. But I do express my opinion.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  59. “That said, my kids are at home right now with my husband and I’m missing something important at my daughter’s school which makes me feel sick inside. It’s a lot of balance and a lot of really hard decision making.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  60. “You do the best you can. But it’s hard. When I find things egregiously misrepresentative of women, I’ll make a point to say to my son, “Turn that off. I don’t want to see women behave that way.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  61. “Do I need men? I don’t think it’s about needing men. It’s about love.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

  62. “I mean, really: He called me 33 percent lesbian, which was a gross underestimation of my lesbian-ness.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  63. “I always let my husband read the script so he knows what’s about to happen to his wife. When I played Cheryl Strayed in Wild, I’d get really mad about certain things, I’d say really profound things, and I’d curse out of nowhere. He’d say, “Are you you, or are you Cheryl?”” ~ Reese Witherspoon , Wild Reese Witherspoon quotes
  64. “It really bothers me when people don’t use coasters. Particularly on my table.” ~ Reese Witherspoon
  65. “We need to give artists a lot of free room to create.” ~ Reese Witherspoon

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