All about entrepreneur motivational video and what challenges we face when we step into entrepreneurship. Choose a destiny, then. Select your purpose. Draw your own course.
Once you answer the reason for opening the first door on the path of continuous motivation. Motivation begins infinitely but gets infinitely small.
When you know what you are supposed to do in life, you can decide what you are supposed to do every day. Mental preparation before your day begins is the key to taking control during the day. A self-motivated person has the courage to create his own rules in life. At the same time, all members of the human race are surrounded by people, groups, subcultures, and other external forces.
The game of entrepreneurship is so ugly that if people actually knew how ugly was upfront very few would even do it it’s very ugly it’s very lonely uh it’s very frustrating it exploits you at the highest level.
You know you in the world of business you don’t just have one or two weaknesses. Imagine all of a sudden one day 50 weaknesses are exposed all at the same time and everybody tells you because it’s you who wants that no one wants that and imagine a game where you always have to recreate yourself or else you lose like.
Let me put it to you this way it’s like working out but you can’t take a day off. You know how you work out at least you got like a few days off to have your you.
Know to regroup and all that stuff for the first two to five years you know if you.
If you look the other way just because you just made a million dollars in a month and you start getting very arrogant boom you’re wiped out that’s all it.
Books self-help books, entrepreneur motivational video that you read, watch and said oh you got to do this and you got to do this and you got to do that.
They don’t touch on the ugly part of running a business now set the ugly card aside from the one part that outweighs being willing to tolerate.
All this pain is the fact that choices matter to you if you’re driven by choices if you’re driven by control. If you’re driven by you know being able to choose the kind of life you want to live.
That reward is so much higher than the pain you’re going to have to put up that. You’re willing to put out with the pain because you want this because what’s the flip side here’s the flip side.
My three kids go to the same private school together it’s very expensive okay you live in a decent community.
You have a house with elevators and privates you can have the security you can have nicer insurance, nicer protection, better advisors, better counselors, better money managers, better attorneys, better CPAs better protection.
All of that stuff the choices better places to go, people, that you can associate with that are at your same level if not higher than you.
More things that you can have a choice I’m not talking necessarily material things choices now. Set the ugly part aside the one part that outweighs being willing to tolerate all this pain.
Is the fact that choices matters to you if you’re driven by choices if you’re driven by control if you’re driven by you know being able to choose the kind of life you want to live.
That reward is so much higher than the pain you’re going to have to put up that you’re willing to put up with the pain because you want this you’re doing it it’s very obvious you’re enjoying it and it matters to you and that’s why you’re affected you.