161 Gary Vee Quotes: Inspiring Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes

Gary Vaynerchuk born (November 14, 1975, Soviet Union) is an American entrepreneur. He is famously known for his content creation on social media and has been a four-time New York bestselling author. He started his internet journey by becoming a wine critic and grew his family wine business to $60 million from $3 million. Gary started his own venture in New York as VaynerMedia and VaynerX a digital marketing company. While researching for this article I was able to find so many Gary Vee quotes and sayings, which highlighted how serious he was about his content marketing agency ‘VaynerMedia’. Read and enjoy these motivational Gary Vee quotes and implement them in your life journey.

Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes

  1. “It pisses me off how many people contact me and say how lucky I am ‘Oh Gary, you’re so lucky’…and I just want to sit there and be like ‘Thanks for thinking I’m lucky, but remember that time when we were 21 and you were at the Jersey shore with hot chicks? I was working my ass off…”
  2. “Making the switch of going all-in, not doing tactics…because you’re not unless you completely go black and white…. You gotta make that binary switch of like ‘I’m going to work a lot, and not have an excuse anymore, I’m going to be very patient, I’m going to learn how to build a business’  then that’s when things can to happen…Forever, 7 days a week, for life.”  , Gary Vee quotes life
  3. “I love the game, I respect everybody, even our competitors and people that don’t believe in us, but I want to win. I want to win more than anything.”
  4. “Being the bigger man is always the better thing.”
  5. “So you’re young and hungry and want to rip people’s sculls out of their bodies- but let it come to you.”
  6. “I don’t need a boat this year, I don’t need a Lambo to put on Instagram, BECAUSE I am building a business.”
  7. “People will watch a 4-hour movie if it’s great….and they will get out of a 6 second Vine, 2 seconds in if it sucks.”
  8. “I don’t care about anything else except these two things: speed, and native.”

  9. “It’s VALUE: It comes down to how much value you can bring to the audience.”
  10. “Give, without expectation in return, and recognize how the world actually works is: If you’re actually giving without expectation in return, many things happen. The person you’re giving to is feeling guilty into giving back 50 percent of the time, and the other 50 percent of the time they’re busy telling other people how awesome you are.”
  11. “It’s a hell of a lot better to have a purpose behind what you’re doing than not.”
  12. “I think the biggest mistake we make, is we hope who we are, instead of auditing who we are.”
  13. “I respect data, but I’m telling you right now, there are too many people running their business with this (points to head), then this (points to heart). And I’m telling you now, the reason I amassed my following and why I continue to retain it, is because my percentage of this (heart) far outweighs everyone else in this room. And I promise you, if you can figure out how to afford the allocation of this (heart) in your business, then your long-term business success with being dramatically higher.”
  14. “If you call ‘breaking out’, punting anything that was happy, and fun, or easy, and grinding my face off, then yea, I was breaking out.”
  15. “My purpose when I publicly speak is to break through to one person.”
  16. Gary Vee quotes
  17. “Complaining has no value, let your actions dictate, instead of sitting there and feel like you’re not in control.”
  18. “It’s what you don’t do that will screw with you later on.”

  19. “I think the North Star has to be the truth. It’s quite simple: If you do not know what the truth or not truth is within your body within your own self, then there is nothing that I can do or you can do to help others.”
  20. “We’re living through a time where self-awareness is not being deployed enough because people are chasing a narrative… Like what are YOU good at?”
  21. “Once you know yourself, and what you’re good at, go all chips in.”
  22. “How you make your money matters more than how much you make.”  , Gary Vaynerchuk best quotes
  23. “Don’t try to act bigger than you are. “Oh now that I am on the big stage, let me make pretend or embellish…”
  24. “I try to guilt people to like me because I gave them so much!”
  25. “You haven’t made it, so stop being fancy. You’re trying to be big-time because you think acting like it is making it.”
  26. “Having something good happen, (to you/for you) doesn’t trigger something bad to happen.”
  27. “Where does motivation stop and start? Everybody’s got a different answer, but here’s what I can tell you: It’s really easy to be motivated, either you got it, or you can watch it.  It’s really hard to execute, it is the variable that separates you.”
  28. “I don’t think anything valuable comes fast.”

  29. “People talk sh*t, and I know that most of you, 99 percent of you, aren’t going to do anything.”
  30. “I think a lot of you are not motivated, because you’re lucky. You’re lucky in different ways: you haven’t dealt with adversity that much- and by the way, it’s not a white thing, black thing, or girl thing boy thing, it’s you just had great parents and a good upbringing, and life just didn’t give you that much adversity.”
  31. It’s easy to dream, but much harder to execute it.”  , Gary Vaynerchuk motivational quotes
  32. “Skills are cheap. Passion is priceless.”
  33. “No matter what you do, your job is to tell your story.”
  34. “If you’re doing something else, and you want to do this thing you love, you do it after hours. You work 9-6, you get home, you kiss the dog, and you go to town. You start building your equity in your brand, and whatever you’re trying to accomplish. Everyone has time. Stop watching “Lost” (TV series), Everyone has time. You want this? You want bling-bling, you want to buy the Jets? WORK.”
  35. “If there is any level of romance left in this room about your idea, I’d like to suffocate it. Because I think the actual situation is what you actually do with it.”
  36. “Fear kills growth.”  , best Gary Vee quotes
  37. “Stop hanging around people who don’t want to win.”

  38. “Passion is an unmatched fuel. Add being happy to that and you have a wonderful formula for good health.”
  39. “How do you make people buy in? You don’t. I speak only to the converted, and you should do the same.”
  40. do the work
  41. “Retention is the game. The game in business is not how many customers you can get, it’s how many you can keep.”
  42. “As long as the person that “loses the most” is self-aware (they will eventually win)…self-awareness is the ultimate in our society right now….”
  43. “Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, what do I want to do every day for the rest of my life…Do that.”  , Gary Vee quotes about life
  44. “If you live for the weekends and vacations, your shit is broken.”
  45. “Without hustle, talent will only carry you so far.”

  46. “I loved the game, waking up at 5 am, going to a flea market, buying stuff for 4 bucks, and selling it for 11 bucks. I wasn’t going to buy mansions with my $7 profit, but it was the action.”
  47. “That’s why I love losing: It’s a motivator for me. I don’t believe anybody. I don’t believe their comments on YouTube…I don’t believe my mother… I believe ME.”
  48. “People need to start breaking the rules. Stop going about it the way you think that it needs to be done.”
  49. “Jabs are the lightweight pieces of content that benefit your customers by making them laugh, snicker, ponder, play a game, feel appreciated, or escape; right hooks are calls to action that benefit your businesses.”
  50. “You can’t just repurpose old material created for one platform, throw it up on another one, and then be surprised when everyone yawns in your face. No one would ever think it was a good idea to use a print ad for a television commercial, or confuse a banner ad for a radio spot. Like their traditional media platform cousins, every social media platform has its own language.”
  51. “While companies were getting comfy cozy with the idea of being on social media platforms, social media transcended those platforms, and few businesses have followed.”
  52. “There’s no reason to do shit you hate. None.”

  53. “We love displays and symbols and stuff that quickly and silently tells the world who we are. Better yet, we love visual reminders of who we want to be.”
  54. “The incredible brand awareness and bottom-line profits achievable through social media marketing require hustle, heart, sincerity, constant engagement, long-term commitment, and most of all, artful and strategic storytelling.”
  55. “Stop focusing on dumb shit.”
  56. Love your family, work super hard, live your passion.”  , Gary Vee quotes about love
  57. “I go to every conference, and I try to make anybody who came there for someone else, a question that person (they came for)… and that’s by: I’m going to provide so much stream of value, so hard, so long, that they’re going to be tired when I’m done. Big Value.”
  58. “If you ever say to someone else ‘Why are you up so early?’ then that is the biggest tell that you are not a player.”
  59. “Pay attention to what people want or care about and reverse engineer it.”
  60. “You have to understand your own personal DNA. Don’t do things because I do them or Steve Jobs or Mark Cuban tried it. You need to know your personal brand and stay true to it.”
  61. “The truth is that finding happiness in what you do every day is so imperative.”

  62. “Word of mouth works now, much more than ever. @-reply every single person.”
  63. “Self-awareness, Work ethic, being driven by something bigger- for me, it’s gratitude.”
  64. “Ideas are completely, completely, completely worthless unless you execute against those ideas. And you can sit here and tell me what your “purpose” is, but unless you go and execute against it, it is not different than an idea, which is completely useless without fundamental execution.”
  65. “Saying hello doesn’t have an ROI it’s about building relationships.”
  66. “Width is cute, but depth is everything.” , Gary Vaynerchuk quotes
  67. “The first 5 years in your life out of school, should be 100 percent predicated on living the thing that you dream about the most. AKA, if you want to be a rap mogul, you should be hitting up the P-Diddy, Jay-Z… and go work for them for free for 5 years. The number one way to win, is to be as close to the sun as you want to be.”
  68. “Brand storytelling is not about pushing advertising, it’s about bringing value.”
  69. “I’m grinding when you’re sleeping.”  , Gary Vee quotes ever
  70. “The best marketing strategy ever: care.”

  71. “The brands that connect with clients in a real way, will win.”
  72. Gary Vee quotes
  73. “Your story isn’t powerful enough if all it does is lead the horse to water; it has to inspire the horse to drink, too. On social media, the only story that can achieve that goal is one told with native content.”
  74. “99% of people don’t market in the year that we are actually living in.”
  75. “There’s not a single winner on earth that took it easy.”
  76. “When you’re hustling, hustle with all you’ve got. When you’re sick, stop. Let it happen. Your body is trying to tell you something. Listen to it.”
  77. “A strategy of caring usually out-shines tactics, but when they’re used with the right intent, tactics can help a brand achieve greatness.”
  78. “Stop whining. Start hustling.”

  79. “The person that gives the value first has the leverage.”
  80. “If you religiously follow just the few core business philosophies that mean the most to you, and spend all your time there, everything else will naturally fall into place.”
  81. “It is our job as modern-day storytellers to adjust to the realities of the marketplace because it sure as hell isn’t going to slow down for us.”
  82. “Ideas are shit. Execution is the game.”
  83. “If you’re not putting relevant content in relevant places, you don’t exist.”
  84. “Content is king, but marketing is queen, and runs the household.”  , Gary Vee quotes funny
  85. “Hustle is the most important word ever.”
  86. “Find the five people who are closest to you in the world, spend a week, not 5 minutes, making them feel safe for the question you’re about to ask them, which is: Tell me what I am good at, and tell me what I am bad at.”
  87. “This is such an important part of being an entrepreneur, and I think that the most important part is… seeing the glass half-full. You have to look at the upside.”
  88. “I read every one of my negative Amazon reviews. All of them. 3 times… to me, understanding how people consume you, and respecting the market, need to trump your own self…I’m thrilled for my haters and trolls because the context and have allowed me to understand that I was a contradiction.”
  89. “When it all comes down to it, nothing trumps execution.”
  90. “Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.”

  91. “On Facebook, the definition of great content is not the content that makes the most sales, but the content that people most want to share with others.”
  92. “Now, if you truly understand how marketing works today, you know there is no individual six-month campaign; there’s only the 365-day campaign, during which you produce new content daily.”
  93. “I want to sit with 80- and 90-year-old people more than anyone. They have played this game before. Not one of them has told me, ‘I wish I had more money.”
  94. “The game for me is not acquisition, it’s lifetime value and the percentage of wallet I get from that person.”
  95. “Provide 51% of the value in a relationship, whether it’s with an employee, a client, or a stranger.”
  96. “Bet on your strengths.”
  97. “If you want to be an anomaly, you gotta act like one.”
  98. “The only differentiator in this game is your passion and your hustle.”
  99. “Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a small business, or a Fortune 500 company, great marketing is all about telling your story in such a way that it compels people to buy what you are selling. That’s a constant. What’s always in flux, especially in this noisy, mobile world, is how, when, and where the story gets told, and even who gets to tell all of it.”
  100. “Recognize that you have a much bigger chance and a better opportunity than your parents did to build a business around your passion and don’t take that for granted.”

    Some More Gary Vee Quotes

  101. “Passion is contagious.”
  102. “People respond to effort.”
  103. “Live your passion. What does that mean, anyway? It means that when you get up for work every morning, every single morning, you are pumped because you get to talk about or work with or do the thing that interests you the most in the world. You don’t live for vacations because you don’t need a break from what you’re doing — working, playing, and relaxing are one and the same. You don’t even pay attention to how many hours you’re working because to you, it’s not really work. You’re making money, but you’d do whatever it is you’re doing for free.”
  104. “The game is my drug.”
  105. “You must choose an area where you can win. No, scratch that. Not just win, but absolutely dominate. After all, don’t we have enough mediocre podcasts around?”
  106. “The more content I put out, the more luck I have.”
  107. “Market like the year you are in.”

  108.  “I look at only two things when angel investing. Are you solving an important problem? Do you care about the end-users?”
  109. “If your organization’s intentions transcend the mere act of selling a product or service, and it is brave enough to expose its heart and soul, people will respond. They will connect. They will like you. They will talk. They will buy.”
  110. “Innovation isn’t a tactic. It’s a religion.”
  111. Gary Vee quotes picturesGary Vee quotes
  112. “Social media marketing is a 24/7 job.”  , Gary Vee quotes sayings
  113. “Complaining is unattractive.”
  114. “A penguin cannot become a giraffe, so just be the best penguin you can be.”
  115. “It’s easy to dream about it … Much harder to execute it ….Work!”

  116. “Relationships are leverage. If you give value to someone else first, you have leverage.”
  117. Cash is oxygen. You can make the greatest cup of coffee, the greatest sneaker, the greatest TV show, or the greatest work of art ever, but if you can’t sell your product you are out of business.”
  118. “What’s the ROI of a piano? To me, it’s zero. For Billy Joel and Elton John, it has been substantial.”
  119. “Don’t ever let failures register.”
  120. “I pride myself in listening. When you have people paying attention to you, your biggest job is to listen to what they want. Deliver what your community wants.”
  121. “How bad do you want it?”  , Garyvee quotes
  122. “I attract a crowd, not because I’m an extrovert or I’m over the top or I’m oozing with charisma. It’s because I care.”
  123. “Your legacy is being written by yourself. Make the right decisions.”
  124. “You didn’t grow up driving…you figured it out.”
  125. “There is never a bad time to start a business – unless you want to start a mediocre one.”
  126. “Brands mature over time, like a marriage. The bond you feel with your spouse is different than when you first met each other. Excitement and discovery are replaced by comfort and depth.”
  127. “Legacy is greater than currency.”

  128. “All your ideas may be solid or even good… But you have to Actually EXECUTE on them for them to matter.”
  129. “Time – the one asset none of us are ever gonna get more of.”
  130. “The reason I was able to grow my business was that every day, after producing 30 minutes of wine television, I spent 15 hours a day replying to every single person’s e-mail and every single person’s Twitter @ reply.”
  131. “Effort is grossly underrated.”
  132. “You can market your ass off, but if your product sucks, you’re dead.”
  133. “I hate how many people think “glass half-empty” when their glass is really four-fifths full. I’m grateful when I have one drop in the glass because I know exactly what to do with it.”
  134. “You need to spend all of your time and energy on creating something that actually brings value to the people you’re asking for money!”
  135. “Know the philosophy, know the details, and ignore everything in the middle.”
  136. “We are in control of the one asset that we all give the most f#%ks about, and that is time.”

  137. “I’m just always looking forward. I spend very little time, looking backward.”
  138. Gary Vee quotes
  139. “Whether you’re 9 or 90, stop trying to fix the things you’re bad at, and focus on the things you’re good at.”
  140. “People are chasing cash, not happiness. When you chase money, you’re going to lose. You’re just going to. Even if you get the money, you’re not going to be happy.”
  141. “People are your most important commodity.”
  142. “Never be romantic about how you make your money.”

  143. “If your work is great, that becomes your reputation, and that becomes the gateway drug to bring business into your sales funnel.”  , Gary Vaynerchuk sales quote
  144. “Wake up before everybody else and work into the night. Hustle.”
  145. “You are not patient enough. Your lack of patience is killing you and your need of things is killing you.”
  146. “I failed all my classes and that’s why I’m winning. In hindsight, the fact that I was considered a failure for the first 18 years of my life has become the foundation of my success.”
  147. “Developing your personal brand is key to monetizing your passion online.”
  148. “There no longer has to be a difference between who you are and what you do.”
  149. “Too many people are scared to share their visions and thoughts in public or even in board-rooms. Having a strong vision is important for your personal brand. Don’t be afraid to say what you think. Ever. That said, don’t forget to listen, either.”
  150.  “When I hear people debate the ROI of social media? It makes me remember why so many business fail. Most businesses are not playing the marathon. They’re playing the sprint. They’re not worried about lifetime value and retention. They’re worried about short-term goals.”
  151. “I’m a storyteller. I love to tell stories about brands. I love to tell stories, period. I like painting pictures through the words, and that’s what I do.”
  152. “Some dude bought 8,000 horses before the car was invented… he lost!”

  153. “Bullshit entrepreneurs cry about the way they want it to be instead of reacting to the way it actually is. You can’t cry about the way it is. That’s just never, ever, ever, ever the right move.”
  154. “It’s what you don’t do that will screw with you later on.”
  155. “Put out quality content every day and engage around it.”
  156. “The reason we love our parents is that they loved us first. Every single company should take this advice.”  , Gary Vee quotes love
  157. “Smart work will never replace hard work, it only supplements it.”
  158. “It took thirty-eight years before 50 million people gained access to radios. It took television thirteen years to earn an audience that size. It took Instagram a year and a half.”
  159. “I put zero weight into anyone’s opinion about me because I know exactly who I am. Can you say the same?”
  160. “People love when you take an extra second out of your day to acknowledge them. It’s the equivalent of a nicely written thank-you note, except it takes less time to do and it doesn’t take two days to get to its destination.”
  161. “Your story needs to move people’s spirits and build their goodwill so that when you finally do ask them to buy from you, they feel like you’ve given them so much it would be almost rude to refuse.”

Some interesting facts about Gary Vancherchuck:-

  • He loves American football and considers buying New York Jets team as his goal
  • He is from the Babruysk Belarus Soviet Union, & immigrated to New York as a part of an exchange program
  • Entrepreneur magazine stated he has an estimated net worth of $160 million in 2017
  • He has invested in other tech companies Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Birchbox, Uber, etc.


We love to write about our experiences to motivate and inspire the lives of people we touch. We believe when you succeed we succeed with you.

3 thoughts on “161 Gary Vee Quotes: Inspiring Gary Vaynerchuk Quotes

  • very inspiring quotes! Thanks for sharing them with us.

    • Thanks for motivating us to inspire you more… Keep rocking!!!


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